Saturday, October 31, 2009

In Our Younger Years

Because I think you need to meet the Joel & I that we first met.....introducing us in 3rd grade.

Here is my adorable husband as an 8-year old.

And here I am! This is actually right before I got glasses
that rivaled Joel's in coolness-quotient.

Hmmm....I wonder what our kids are going to look like. Probably a bunch of dark-hair, dark-eyed cuties. Probably.

And here we are a few years ago -- I love this picture of us.

They laugh at the days to come.
(just a slight modification of the verse, right?)

Most of you know the story that Joel & I met in 3rd grade in Kenya while his parents were studying Kiswahili there during that year....and then we met again in a bookstore 16 years later...
For three years after we met we didn't interact, weren't friends. We graduated from college & reconnected through the missions program at our alma mater. 9 months after we started dating we were standing at an altar.

What a glorious story.
A story only One author could write.
And He is still writing it....


  1. Thanks for sharing! I remember both of you when you had that "cool geeky" look. =) (And we won't talk about my own fashion trends...) When I pulled up your page, the song "Heaven" by DJ Sammy started playing on my iTunes. I thought you had added it to your post because it starts with "oh, thinking about our younger years..." ;o) - Hope

  2. Check your email. Love you guys.
