Well hello faithful and massive fan base!
Melissa and I have enormously portentious news which will not surprise you at all (after reading the title). No, we are not pregnant (that is in God's hands, and He has been known to be a little unpredictable - but this update involves no babies). Melissa and I, after debating/praying/pondering/waiting/wondering/waiting, have purchased a fantastic scooter. We are now deliciously European (or so we like to think). In order to avoid becoming too European and to preserve our deep ties to Africa, we have decided to name our scooter, "Mzungu." It is Swahili for "white person." Rather apropo I think.
First let me regale you with the numerical and logical (Joelian) support for this frivolous purchase. They are in a numbered list, of course, for all logical things can be enumerated:
- A 2005 Genuine Stella scooter gets approx. 90 mpg
- Insurance for a scooter runs less than $100 per year (yes, year)
- Tulsa is the ideal city for scooters with it's paucity of highways and abundance of smaller roads.
- We plan to garage one of our cars for the better part of the next 9 months to save gas, wear-and-tear, and possibly insurance.
Between the logic and beauty, I hope you can see why it was imperative that Melissa and I secure a scooter. We plan to be safe, to have fun, to save money, and to wear scarves.
Frankly, this is just awesome! I've been wanting a scooter so bad...you may have just pushed me over the edge!