We were a part of an enormous team on this trip, close to 100 people! This includes 25 doctors and medical students from UC-Davis, 30 nursing students from KU in Kansas, many Honduran medical students, Honduran dentistry students, a handful of Honduran doctors and 2 Oklahoman-Africans. We were split into two school buses each day as we headed out to two medical clinic sites. On this trip, there are two vast areas of blessing for Melissa and I (one planned for and the other totally unexpected):
1 - Sit and listen
The first blessing from this trip was the opportunity to sit at the feet of a number of great physicians who love God and ask them about medicine. We spoke to the various doctors on the trip about the differences in their specialties and escpecially what it was like to operate in those specialties in a foreign country. We plied Dr. Hambrick with questions almost non-stop for the entire ten days and are excited about what we have gleaned. Medicine is not simple to learn (I already knew this), but neither is it easy to coordinate overseas. Dr. Hambrick has a wealth of experience and wisdom from his eight years overseas and he openly shared with us.
For the first time, I feel like Melissa and I have a solid groundwork of information from which to begin prayerfully seeking direction in our calling. We have asked for God to build dreams in our hearts for our future. Dreams are uncomfortable and frightening things to have, sometimes - but without them we can hope to accomplish nothing. Though I still don't know exactly what direction God is leading us - I am encouraged and confident in this: God is in control of our calling and we will he prepared and caught up in His adventure for us. Everyone always asks us what specialty I am going to enter, so I should make sure everyone is up to date on the latest concerning that question. The top three choices (only three really) are:
- Family Practice - very versatile,
- A short 3 year residency
- Emergency Medicine - ability to handle life-threatening trauma
- A short 3 year residency
- Amazingly easy to re-enter the American medical scene at any point in the future
- Surgery - "hard" skills (cannot be learned from text book),
- A strenuous 5-6 year residency,
- Excellent for family life (not away from home often)
The unexpected blessing came in the form of another medical, "future-missionary" couple. David and Krichele Jeffcoach are a young couple who were married this summer, just before David began his first year of medical school. They are living in CA and counting the days until they can answer the calling on their lives and go overseas. They are not sure exactly where the Lord is sending them, but are willing to go anywhere. David is currently considering specializing in family practice, emergency medicine, or surgery. Sound familiar? It is rather uncanny the number of similarities exist between us and the Jeffcoaches. They also have a blog on blogger to keep all their friends and family up to date, but Krichele isn't ready to unveil it to the world so we won't link to it, yet.
The most remarkable thing, however is how refreshing and encouraging it was to my heart and Melissa's, to spend time with like-hearts. Medical school is an arduous process that taxes all resources - time, energy, marriage, friendship, rest, etc. In the midst of it all, though, God loves us so much that he bestowed on us an unlooked-for gift in this quirky friendship. So many times God has proven himself faithful to not only provide for us, but to surprise us with sudden breathes of fresh air. As we obey and submit to the call God has on our lives, he delights to reward us with lavish tokens of His love.
"If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love..." John 15:10
The beautiful Honduran scenery ( a welcome change from Oklahoma winterland)
OMM on a Honduran lady
Melissa being medical!!
More OMM
David and I seeing patients (medicine is serious work)
Melissa and Krichele (and Robin) outside the women's health clinic
The Watsons and the Jeffcoaches - future medical missionaries
An absolutely gorgeous waterfall (we went into a cave behind it!)
"The cost of discipleship"...I've read it in German and English and consider it one of the best. Are you surprised? Of course not...because the similarities are no longer impressive. Love you guys.
ReplyDeletejoel. mel. i am so moved and impressed. i love you guys and am so happy you got to have this experience in honduras. super!
ReplyDeleteI just got back from a Baptist medical trip with some Christian classmates to Juarez. 1. Sit and Listen: mine was Dr Yam. Amazing doctor and I just soaked it up all this last week. And so many came to know the Lord and we connected them with pastors of the churches we were in 2. God's shown me Family Medicine is for me... After doing my surgery rotation, I wouldn't wish it on anyone, as it is so hard during residency. 3. PRAISE THE LORD for likeminded Christians who long to serve the Lord. We are both blessed. Do you know anything about In His Image?
ReplyDeleteWow! you're trip sounds awesome! make sure and visit your little sisters blogspot too! :)
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me, but I was searching the web for info about Brent Hambrick and stumbled on this post. I thought I'd comment because I'm in a very similar situation to your own. My wife and I are both Doctors in the 3rd year of our residencies (me in Emergency Medicine, and she in Med/Peds). We're both VERY interested in medical missions (probably long term) when we finish residency, though we don't have any definite plans as of yet. We actually spent 2 months in Siguatepeque at Hospital Evangelico our 4th year of medical school and worked some with Dr. Hambrick then (this was in 2005). We haven't had a chance to go back yet, though we miss everyone there! If you'd like another medical missions contact, or are interested in swapping war stories, feel free to look me up (I'm on Facebook in the University of Mississippi Medical Center Network). Thanks for your time.
-Eric Bell