Our pastor this morning in church spoke about the tension of wanting God more and being thankful for what He has done in our lives until this moment.
Two statements caught my attention:
"Joy is the capacity to simply realize that God is here, present in the situation"
"Thankfulness and gratitude are what keep our hearts tethered to the Kingdom"
Wow. This sermon tied so closely to another topic, one that my husband and I have been talking about quite a bit lately (hopefully he will have time soon to get on this thing and post about it...his thoughts often run deep and true). It is the topic of grace v. good intentions. In fact, we stayed up WAY past our bedtime last night (11pm!!!) pondering this very thing. And then in church this morning to hear that we have to learn to "live in the tension"...it all tied together so beautifully.
I hope you enjoy pondering the statements as much as I am.

Two statements caught my attention:
"Joy is the capacity to simply realize that God is here, present in the situation"
"Thankfulness and gratitude are what keep our hearts tethered to the Kingdom"
Wow. This sermon tied so closely to another topic, one that my husband and I have been talking about quite a bit lately (hopefully he will have time soon to get on this thing and post about it...his thoughts often run deep and true). It is the topic of grace v. good intentions. In fact, we stayed up WAY past our bedtime last night (11pm!!!) pondering this very thing. And then in church this morning to hear that we have to learn to "live in the tension"...it all tied together so beautifully.
I hope you enjoy pondering the statements as much as I am.

Man...I miss you guys. Please tell us more about these thoughts soon. Happy New Year! How exciting it will be to see God's hand in our lives this year. Blessings.