Because all of our avid readers need updates :)
Our puppy -- really cute....when he's not chewing on EVERYTHING. But we sure do like him, he's a little gift from the Lord.

Melissa turned 27. Wow. This is at her lunch with people from work...showing off her "Benny Hinn" staff sticker. Nice.

Joel planned a tubing trip down the river with great friends for Melissa's birthday

There was a large rock that needed to be conquered

...and conquered it was.

Our dear friend Billy came to visit. Here he is by his picture on our map of prayer.

We got to go to the Global Missions Health Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. It was incredible. Such a time of refreshing & dreaming.

Because God is who He is, we got to meet up with some of our very best friends there.
David & Krichele Jeffcoach are such an encouragement and joy to us both. Like hearts, like humor. And also daring to try and be on the good-looking long-term missionary list :)

The four of us ate at this adorable (Mel's description) and delicious restaurant that seats about 15. Then the guy with the accordion walked in...are you kidding me? It was awesome.

It's fall here. And gorgeous. A season of change for us both as we look to the future with hope. More to come soon, but thought you might enjoy this little picture journey!
-- Joel and Melissa
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